(these are all quite old, so it's questionable if any will run a modern OS. Check out my Github page -- https://github.com/jamescurran/HonestIllusion for more recent code.)
- MisterMind -
So, you've played the Java version. Now try the real version. Ok, in case you
haven't played the Java version, this is a logic puzzle similar to the board game
MasterMind (Try to guess a pattern of colors, with the computer giving clues). This
one let's you vary the number of colors and the number of pegs, let's you take back a
selection, let's you take more that 10 guesses, and even save games. (16-Bit Windows, runs
with Windows 3.1 and Windows 95, 19K zip )
- Lucas's Problem - I've
got a VBScript version of this planned for this site coming soon, but you can beat the
rush by downloading the full version now. A logic puzzle based on a problem designed by
French mathematician Edouard Lucas. The object is to reverse a pattern of colored markers,
given a few restrictions. With Sound Effects! (16-Bit Windows, runs with Windows
3.1 and Windows 95, 44K zip )
- Audible Typewriter -
Typewriter produces realistic key clicks whenever a key a pressed in any other Windows
program. Requires a sound card. 32-Bit version, available for Windows 95 only (17K zip) (I
still have the Windows 3.0 version, which I could email you if you'd like, but I can no
longer find a copy of the Windows 3.1 version, and, of course, each is very OS version
- FontPicker - A very
simple programmer's tool, to generate the code needed to define a font in a Windows
program, saving the programmer from having to know the details such font family or pitch
clip precision (32-bit Windows, available for Windows 95 and Windows NT only, 75K)
- Galloping Horse - A
continuously galloping horse in a small window. Perfect for amusing background desktop
feature and Yin-Yang - A drawing of a Yin-Yang / floppy disk
symbol with a koan with "The Zen of Programming" by Geoffrey James. (16-Bit
Windows, runs with Windows 3.1 and Windows 95, 11K zip )
- WavConv - A DOS program to convert sound clip files to different formats. Works with Windows .WAVs, Covox
VFMs, Wired For Sounds SNDs. and SoundBlaster VOCs. (15K zip). I've also converted this
into a Windows DLL file, which may be licensed for embedding into application. Contact me
for details.