The "Killer" Date class is the work of about 8 people, who've never met. It
started as a simple C++ class to represent calendar dates, and has grown to what is
probably the most baroque example of the form. It handles all dates from 2713BC
to the distant future.
- Works with Microsoft, Borland and others C++ compilers "out of the box"
- Should work with any C++ based on ANSI C. (even those which aren't up to the ISO C++
draft standard.
- Authors actively seek complete platform independence.
- Format days as "January 1, 1997" or "1 January 1997" or
"1-Jan-97" or "19970101" or others
- Translates ASCII strings in any of the above forms.
- ++, --, AddWeek, AddMonth, AddYear, construct dates any number of different ways,
including such as "The last Tuesday on October of 1962".
- Every date related function you'll ever need.
- Completely free!
- May be used and distributed freely.
- (may not be sold)
Download Here
- - Contains the date.cpp & datecl.h,
plus project files for Borland (datecl.prj) and Microsoft (datecl.mak) compilers, with
release notes & class reference as ASCII text files. (55K, zipped file)
- - Contains release notes and class reference as
formatted Word for Windows files, plus code samples (42K, zipped file)
- All comments & questions should be send to me.